June 14, 2016

Live in the dream

"I have found out there ain't no super way
to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them."
--Mark Twain

Choosing a right travelmate who will make the journey better is the most important thing when travel.
Choosing a proper hotel is a major thing in the journey as well. 
Let me be your guard and give the best recommendation.

I've been to Hsinchu and Taichung for three-day-getaway during the Dragon Boat Festival weekend.
I'm a boutique hotel addict, so I prefer to stay in BODA Hotel relieving all the pressures from work and get a new start.

Between the dreams and reality

A good journey starts from a good dream.

Beautiful dreams and realities influence what the journey feels like.


When it's pouring, dodging in the room of time record and feel the different journey of the time.

The indolent lady who likes to curl up her feet and get some fashion news.

Life goals: Being a wise woman and working my own like.

Press the botton and start another miracle journey.

Really like this French toast set.

"One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." --Henry Miller

Retrieving why I live and the purpose of traveling are what I've learned from the trip.
Traveling is like a dream. 
Do what we intend to do; Walk where we want to go.
Hotel is a midway stop and also a place to dream.

