February 05, 2016

Hello Diva 2016, Goodbye 2015

Every time before Chinese New Year, 
I used to purchase New Year presents to reward myself for my hard-working past year.

Self-reward purchase is equal to self identity.

My self identity comes from self appreciation, self confidence and self encouragement.
Whatever I want, I purchase for myself; Whatever identity I need, I provide to myself.

The New Year present for myself in 2016 is to wear the elegant Bulgari Diva.
Let's say goodbye to 2015, and gracefully welcome a more beautiful 2016.

Red orange is the symbol of passion. 

Keeping passion for life in 2015 to 2016, I want to open my passion in heart in a more wild 
and free manner,to the whole new year.

When you think you are in the most terrible moment, it is likely you are about to open a
most beautiful moment in life.

Never give-up easily.

Change a new way of doing and a new thought, there will be a turning point as long as you have a target.

In Diva Diamond power. 

People only remember your clothes if you wear splendid.
What people remember you the most is your elegant in every moves.

The Classy BVLGARI BVLGARI, the chic colour of B&W combination.

Hello Diva 2016, Goodbye 2015!


Jewelleries | BVLGARI

Dress, Heels | Dress Code
Skirt | Indie Shop

heartSpecial Thanks to 舒服生活,這個好美麗、舒服的地方