January 19, 2016

Winter Getaway-Kenting

It's so cold now, espacially in January! That's why I am going to memorise my Kenting travel diary,
in the south area of Taiwan, a great place for winter getaway holiday spot!

Where to stay?

I stay in Amanda Holiday Resort, it was a luxury holiday resort, with your own balcony and bathtub!

This Morocco style!

Cozy tiny corner for reading.

The Honey moon bed lol

What to wear?

Bring your trench coat or leather jackets, and scarf can be a plus!
Sunnies, printed dress, that's all you need.

Margot WALLIS makes me like a fashionable holiday style.

Where to eat & drink?

My first big favourite:迷路的小章魚
They served amazing food and spectacular view!

At night we stayed in a local bar-墾丁小灣酒吧.

I think I might need a vacation now....
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