July 28, 2015

Fashion Survival-Falt Shoes

A good pair of shoes take you to a good place.
However,I can't really give up to wear the high heels, alternatives,
flat shoes has been one of my favourite type of shoes to put on.

Flat shoes are always good for party finished moment, 
so let's see where the cocorose falts took me to what kind of good place.

When Party finished

When you are tired of wearing heels at work

Want to be more relaxed on Sunday?

Shoes all by SHOE PLUS

SHOE PLUS   台北微風廣場 GF、台北新光三越南西店二館 1F、台北新光三越信義 A11 館 2F、台中新光三越中港店 B1、桃園台茂購物中心 1F、台南新光三越西門店 GF   Yosi Samra   台北新光三越信義 A11 館 1F